Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This semester had been somewhat awful. Things are pilling up, every subjects are getting harder and complicated by each semester. Guess that's how it should be like. Hmm

But I need... I need good lecturerss! :(

I need lecturer like Ms Wendy! like Mr. Ayyapan! like Ms Heng! Ms Callie! not like someone who talks like 'joker from the dark knight' where he got that tongue-snapping sound. yerrrr! Cant stand no more. Now I've to do 110% more effort on this sems, esp FIS. *prayss*

Mid-term break just next wk, but one wk break is not enough :( Oh wells,... tonights the finals for bball. Dang! must watch :D love it. Last night was truely awesome, the players were amazing. Scorpions rawks!

Bonne chance guys! :)