Sunday, July 20, 2008


Julie called up everyone for drink, but most of them are busy. Hehe. So only few people went lim teh. Dad was lazy bring me down town therefore Leonade came all the way from MJC to fetch me. How sweet of him :D. Unlike someone =p

naughty him drive with cellphone on -_- hehehe *not only twice actually* =p


Wilsred wanted to watch Batman, but was full hehe. So we then went to bestberry, on the way, we saw one idiot lorr... Who doesnt want to go when the light is green, so Leonade decided to hon the car in front. AND... it turn out to be one of our friend. Goshh... o.o *you know who you are* =)

Mic and Julie

love his hair.

happy guy hehe

leonade, wilsred

yeang jeng

love her hair too :D

cheers :)

i wanna color my hair too :(



Hope you feel better Julie :) hugsss