Kuching, big or small? Whatever it is, finding a place to eat, is rather hard, picky are we? :P I kinda lost my way somewhere in Kuching so we came across this 'tarot' cafe, then decided to stop by and makan hehe. Not much picture lately, haha always forgot to bring camera, lazy marrrr...

After we finish ordering, someone by the name of Culu decided to play a game, not much game they offered, but ya, aeroplane games it is :D
Coke float with lemon, out of my list :x
Nasi Lemak, looks nice... of course will taste nice lo haha *its abit like indon style*
Fried Seafood Udon
I suppose this cafe had operate quite a while already, this was my first time, there's some desserts that are interesting, I dont mind going back again, anyone? :P